Tales from Devana High ( Jugglin Bali Rai ��� Rai, Jugglin Bali
Condition: Good
Size: Small-Medium Paperback
Genre: fantasy; romance; family
Target Audience: teens-young-adults
Small-Medium Paperback
Suky is still trying to fool her parents that Jit is her boyfriend instead of Imi. This means an obligatory family day out with her folks and Jit, whose patience is wearing thin with the whole idea. And then there���������s Grace���������she���������s acting really strangely around him lately ��������� he can���������t figure her out at all. And back at school, no sooner have Jit and Dean got Jason Patel off their backs than his cousin comes on the scene and ��������� guess what? ��������� he���������s even more of a thug than Jason. Jit and Dean have got to sort him out, and Jit���������s got to tell Suky enough is enough. And Grace? It���������s about time she told Jit how she really feels about him���������