Challenging Beliefs: Memoirs Of A Career (Noakes, Prof Tim)
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Challenging Beliefs: Memoirs of a Career
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Condition & Size
📖 Condition: Score 6.5/10 Good-Very Good
Observations: None
📏 Size: Format C (Large Format 138x216/156x234mm) Paperback
This updated edition contains additional material, including a ground-breaking chapter on the life-changing benefits of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, and a fascinating explanation of why the Springboks did not win the 2011 Rugby World Cup! Tim Noakes is the world’s leading authority on the science behind sport. Through a lifetime of research, he has developed key scientific concepts in sport that have not only redefined the way elite athletes and teams approach their professions, but challenged conventional global thinking in these areas.
In this new and updated edition of Challenging Beliefs, Noakes gives his views on everything from overtraining, banned substances and the dangers of rugby to the sports-drink industry, and children and sport, debunking a few sporting myths in the process. Stories and case studies of the teams and athletes with whom he has worked are also included. In providing an intimate look at the golden threads running through Noakes’s life and career, this truly fascinating book reveals the groundbreaking theories and principles generated by one of the greatest minds in the history of sports science.
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