Sudden Rain (Wolff, Maritta)
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Sudden Rain
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Condition & Size
📖 Condition: Score 6.5/10 Good-Very Good
Observations: Large inscription across the first page
📏 Size: Format C (Large Format 138x216/156x234mm) Paperback
A vivid, gripping, emotional, and addictive read, Sudden Rain is also a rare and valuable portrait of an the long-lost final manuscript of Maritta Wolff—the author who, at the age of twenty-two, published what Sinclair Lewis deemed "the most important novel of the year," Whistle Stop (1941).
Hailed by Entertainment Weekly as "the Nixon-era precursor to Tom Perrotta's acclaimed novel, Little Children " this is a compelling drama that offers great insight into the nature of marriage -- both then and now.
Now that Sudden Rain has come out of its hiding place -- in Wolff's refrigerator, found after her death -- it remains gloriously frozen in time. Set in the fall of 1972, the novel perfectly captures, with expansive emotion and cinematic detail, the domestic trends of three generations of middle-class couples living in suburban Los Angeles. A brilliant portrait of its burgeoning era, Sudden Rain also offers striking cultural commentary on our everyday notions of love and marriage; individuality, equality, and community; and the promise and pursuit of the American Dream.
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